Welcome to the Ukraine War Forum of the War Room.
Anything related to the Ukraine v Russia war is on topic.
As stated in the rules, no propaganda or other bots - they will be deleted and banned on sight.
This is an adult forum, if occasional adult language offends you, please consider if you want to be here.
Ad hominem attacks will not be tolerated and can lead to warnings, suspension or permanent banning of offenders.
Anyone's opinion (pro or con) is allowed, but if you regurgitate known falsehoods, expect to be called out on it.
Please enjoy the discussion.
Forum rules
Discussion of the Ukraine v Russia war - no regurgitated propaganda or bots of any kind. Bots will be permanently banned on sight. This is an adult forum so adult language will be tolerated provided it does not become a personal attack against a member of the forum. Infractions will result in warnings, suspension and ultimately banning if all else fails. I prefer not to resort to that so act accordingly.
Discussion of the Ukraine v Russia war - no regurgitated propaganda or bots of any kind. Bots will be permanently banned on sight. This is an adult forum so adult language will be tolerated provided it does not become a personal attack against a member of the forum. Infractions will result in warnings, suspension and ultimately banning if all else fails. I prefer not to resort to that so act accordingly.
Re: Welcome
Hi Doni,
Good question. Chinese and other censorship is unenforceable here. I don't think any topic within the framework of this particular forum could breach any Australian censorship rules - so it's up to them to remain within the rules of their country of residence. Or not. Not our problem either way.
DrKK formally declined the invitation - citing 'too much social media already' so it seems he won't be joining us at this time.
Good question. Chinese and other censorship is unenforceable here. I don't think any topic within the framework of this particular forum could breach any Australian censorship rules - so it's up to them to remain within the rules of their country of residence. Or not. Not our problem either way.
DrKK formally declined the invitation - citing 'too much social media already' so it seems he won't be joining us at this time.